Out Now 460: Space Jam: A New Legacy
This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is ready to slam! Aaron and Abe are joined by Alan
Aguilera and Jordan Grout to talk all about Space Jam: A New
Legacy, starring LeBron James and Bugs Bunny. Hear what
the group has to say about the legacy sequel that adds a whole lot of Warner Bros.
IP into the mix. Also enjoy some
trailer discussion, games, and more. Tune in for Out Now Quickies™ (9:42), Trailer Talk for Encanto,
Turning Red, and Rumble (25:08), the main review (34:09),
Games (1:30:52), and Out Now Feedback (1:44:29). So now, if
you've got an hour or so to kill...
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to the episode at AudioBoom or Spotify.
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Show Notes:
[The purpose of this section is to
highlight areas mentioned or referenced during the show.]
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- Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, We Live Entertainment
- Check
out Aaron’s review for Space Jam: A New Legacy
- Trailer: Encanto, Turning Red, Rumble
- Next Week: Snake Eyes and Old

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