Weekly Recap: Best of the Year So Far, Jaws, Old Guard & More!

Happy Fourth of July! It may be a different kind of year, but Happy Fourth, regardless. And for this week in releases, I only have one new review, an early one for Netflix's The Old Guard (Good!), but I also have a top ten for the best films of the year so far. This week's recap also features a list of the recent releases made available to stream, rent, or own digitally. Additionally, there are a couple of solid podcasts we put together, including our commentary track for Jaws, in honor of its 45th anniversary, as well as our "Way to Early Academy Awards." Finally, there are my various essays lists, and new trailers to dig into as well. Enjoy, stay safe out there, and thanks for reading!

Movie Reviews:

(All Reviews Are Linked)

New Films Now Available on Digital:

New On 4K/Blu-ray/DVD:


  • 2020's Way Too Early Academy AwardsAaron and Abe are joined by FirstShowing’s Alex Billington for a ceremony referred to as the Way Too Early Academy Awards.
  • Jaws Commentary TrackAaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Jim Dietz, and Yancy Berns to discuss Jaws, the original Summer blockbuster classic, directed by Steven Spielberg.
  • IrresistibleAaron and Abe discuss Irresistible, the political comedy starring Steve Carell, from writer/director Jon Stewart.
  • Celebrating and Exploring Black Cinema - Aaron and Markus Robinson (both black and proud), have a discussion going over black cinema.
  • All Episodes


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