Out Now 353: How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe brings everyone back to Berk for one last flight. Aaron and Abe are joined by Michael Lee and the lovely Ana Bosch to discuss How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World . The supposed final chapter of this animated series allows for plenty of conversation, along with the group’s thoughts on more movie fun . Among topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody ( 5:34 ), Out Now Quickies™ ( 11:21 ), some Trailer Talk for Frozen 2 ( 20:27 ), the main review ( 31:28 ), a Game ( 1:13:59 ), and Out Now Feedback ( 1:27:48 ). We then wrap things up ( 1:46:36 ) and have some bloopers ( 1:57:10 ) following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill… You can also find links to the episode at AudioBoom or Spotify . Subscribe via iTunes HERE