Out Now Bonus: January Stuff 2019

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a look at several recent releases. Aaron and Abe go over a number of films, as Abe catches up on his backlog and Aaron fills in the gaps with some recent watches. Together, the two go over some new trailers for John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum ( 2:50 ), Hellboy ( 8:15 ), and High-Flying Bird ( 19:00 ), along with reviews for The Kid Who Would Be King ( 26:40 ) , more Glass thoughts ( 47:18 ), Escape Room ( 54:26 ) , Bumblebee ( 59:26 ) , They Shall Not Grow Old ( 1:05:55 ) , Jerry Maguire ( 1:16:22 ) and The Grinch ( 1:18:56 ). Aaron then tackles a movie quiz from Abe ( 1:27:47 ), and then the two go over their thoughts on the Oscar nominations ( 1:36:54 ). Th guys then wrap things up ( 2:01:05 ) before ending with this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill… You can also find links to the episode at AudioBoom or Spotify . Subscribe via iTunes HERE