Weekly Recap: A Star Is Born, Venom, Hate U Give & More!
While September has had no shortage of films to offer, October actually has good-to-great films available for audiences to see... and Venom. The Tom Hardy anti-superhero flick is certainly something to behold, and his committed work isn't bad, but the film leaves a lot to be desired. Meanwhile, A Star is Born is pretty great all-around, mainly because of the lead performances. The Hate U Give begins in limited release and is easily the best film to arrive in theaters this week. There are other reviews too, including a home release and an early take on Bad Times at the El Royale. Also, I was officially welcomed into the Online Film Critics Society, so there's a link to that too. Lastly, enjoy all the cool podcast episodes we put out as well. Thanks for reading!
In Theaters Now:
(A mess of a movie with a committed Tom Hardy)
A Star Is Born - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-gaga-shines-cooper-croons-star-born/
(Terrific adult entertainment)
The Hate U Give - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-performances-empowerment-drive-hate-u-give/
(A great drama anyone can check out)
The Old Man & The Gun - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-old-man-gun-aims-smooth-thrills-romance/
(A great possible sendoff for Robert Redford, an easy-going crime comedy)
Bad Times at the El Royale - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-identity-key-el-royale/
(Way too long, but a great cast and lots of style)
Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html
New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:
Sicario: Day of the Soldado - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/review-sicario-sequel-places-shade-around-present-danger/
Are You Watchin' That? - https://www.thecodeiszeek.com/2018/10/out-now-bonus-are-you-watchin-that.html
Darkman Commentary - https://www.thecodeiszeek.com/2018/10/out-now-commentary-darkman-1990.html
Other Articles Of Note:
I've Been Welcomed into the Online Film Critics Society - http://ofcs.org/welcome-class-of-2018/
10 Reasons Why Michael Jackson's Thriller Is One of The Greatest Horror Films Of All Time - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivefilm/10-reasons-michael-jacksons-thriller-one-greatest-horror-films-time/
December's Criterion Releases - http://whysoblu.com/stanwyck-sutherland-coming-criterion-collection-december-2018/
The Walking Dead - https://weliveentertainment.com/welivetvshows/the-walking-dead/reviews/
Past TV Coverage - http://theyoungfolks.com/author/aaronneuwirth
Everything In General:
My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/thecodeiszeek/
Screen Rant - http://screenrant.com/author/aarn/
Why So Blu? - http://whysoblu.com/author/aaron-neuwirth/
We Live Entertainment - https://weliveentertainment.com/author/aaron-neuwirth/
Have A Great Weekend!
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