Weekly Recap: Christopher Robin, Darkest Minds & More!

christopher robin

It's a big weekend for a silly, old bear and a bunch of super-powered kids. Christopher Robin and The Darkest Minds are the big releases of the week, along with The Spy Who Dumped Me, which I didn't see. Eighth Grade also expands to more theaters, which is really your best bet among many other films that I've highlighted in the past weeks. At home, you can find Tully, but don't forget to keep up with Preacher, among the many great shows currently on air. Lastly, be sure to listen to this week's podcast covering Mission: Impossible - Fallout, we reviewed the film and played a silly game. It was great. Enjoy!

In Theaters Now:

(Forgettable YA adaptation)

(One of Spike Lee's bests)

(Now in wider release)


Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com/p/review-archive.html

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