Out Now Bonus: Holiday Round-Up 2017

This week’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe is bringing some last minute cheer before the New Year. Aaron and Abe are joined by Jonathan Van Dyke to go over a number of recent releases, news and more. Recorded just after Christmas , the guys are here to talk the holidays, classics, TV classics, new films, more thoughts on The Last Jedi and more. Among topics covered, we have several Out Now Quickies™ ( 8:26 ), Trailer Talk for Ocean’s 8 ( 45:34 ), Sicario 2 ( 51:00 ), and Mortal Engines ( 57:30 ), News ( 1:03:35 ), and Out Now Feedback ( 1:21:24 ). We then wrap things up ( 1:44:40 ) and end on some bloopers ( 1:57:00 ), following this week's close out song. So now, if you’ve got an hour or so to kill… You can also find links to the episode at AudioBoom . Subscribe via iTunes HERE