Out Now Commentary: Blade Runner (1982)

Do podcasters dream of electric mics? Like tears in the rain, all of these commentaries may eventually fade away, but that shouldn’t stop you from checking out what this month’s fantastic discussion has to offer. Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Jim Dietz, and Yancy Berns to discuss Ridley Scott ’s sci-fi/neo-noir classic, Blade Runner , starring Harrison Ford, Sean Young and Rutger Hauer , among others. For what it’s worth, the group is specifically discussing ‘ The Final Cut’ , though this is not a scene specific commentary for the most part. Instead, the guys cover a variety of topics concerning this landmark film that range from its initial reception, the legacy, the performances, and some thematic questions that go beyond the simplicity of whether or not Deckard is actually a replicant. Enjoy our discussions, arguments and tangents, as we had plenty to go over with this film. And don’t worry, there is no unnecessary narration. So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill… ...