Weekly Recap: Spider-Man, A Ghost Story & More!
Spider-Man: Homecoming is the major release of the week and everyone should rejoice in seeing a fun and refreshing take on the webhead. A Ghost Story also finds its way to a few theaters this weekend and is sure to mystify some and intrigue others. Go forth and find the other smaller films opening in more theaters this week too. If you're at home, I have a couple reviews for new Blu-ray releases. There's also this fun Top Gun 2 essay I wrote and a great new podcast diving into the joy that is Baby Driver. Thanks for reading!
In Theaters Now:
Spider-Man: Homecoming - http://whysoblu.com/perks-sp ider-man-movie-review/
(A lot of fun)
A Ghost Story - http://whysoblu.com/ loneliness-found-ghost-story- movie-review/
(Strange, different and interesting)
Best Films of the Year So Far - http://whysoblu.com/staff- picks-2017s-best-films-year- far/
The Big Sick - http://whysoblu.com/big-sick -movie-review/
(Seek this great comedy-drama out and see it - now in more theaters)
The Beguiled - http://whysoblu.com/beguiled -movie-review/
(Sofia Coppola delivers a well made period thriller - now in more theaters)
Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com /p/review-archive.html
New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:
Ugetsu - The Criterion Collection - http://whysoblu.com/ugetsu- criterion-collection-blu-ray- review/
Other Articles Of Note:
Top Gun 2 - The Generic Draft - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/07/in-need-of-hit- top-gun-2-generic-outline.html
Preacher, The Americans, The Walking Dead - http://theyoungfolks.com/aut hor/aaronneuwirth
Everything In General:
My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/the codeiszeek/
Screen Rant - http://screenrant.com/author /aarn/
Why So Blu? - http://whysoblu.com/author/a aron-neuwirth/
Have A Great Weekend!
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