Weekly Recap: The Mummy, The Hero, It Comes At Night & More!
This weekend's big release is a Cruise Mummy. The big attempt by Universal to launch it's Dark Universe with The Mummy was a novel concept, but unfortunately something of a miss. Elsewhere, It Comes At Night actually delivers the kind of thrills I like. There's even the comfort of Sam Elliot's voice that can be found in The Hero, opening in limited release this week. Also be sure to dig into my reviews for the various home releases, as there were several. And lastly, check out our great Wonder Woman podcast as well. Enjoy!
In Theaters Now:
(Disappointing, since Cruise usually delivers)
It Comes At Night - http://whysoblu.com/comes- night-brings-dread-movie- review/
(Great sense of dread in this deliberate thriller)
The Hero - http://whysoblu.com/nbff-201 7-review-hero/
(Sam Elliot gets to lead a film!)
Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com /p/review-archive.html
New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:
Beauty and the Beast - http://whysoblu.com/beauty-b east-humans-adds-much-movie-re view/
A Cure For Wellness - http://whysoblu.com/cure-wel lness-blu-ray-review/
A United Kingdom - http://whysoblu.com/united-k ingdom-blu-ray-review/
Fist Fight - http://whysoblu.com/fist-fig ht-blu-ray-review/
Coco Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=xlnPHQ3TLX8&feature=youtu. be
The Americans, The Walking Dead, Preacher - http://theyoungfolks.com/au thor/aaronneuwirth
Everything In General:
My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/the codeiszeek/
Screen Rant - http://screenrant.com/author /aarn/
Why So Blu? - http://whysoblu.com/author/a aron-neuwirth/
Have A Great Weekend!
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