Weekly Recap: Get Out, Oscar Predictions & More!
While this week does see the week of the superb social thriller Get Out from writer/director Jordan Peele, this week is really about the Oscars. I have new reviews, as well as a thorough look at my predictions and thoughts for what I think may win this coming Academy Awards. Additionally, plenty of new home releases this week, including some Oscar winners and contenders. But get this, there are FOUR new podcasts we put out this week. Tons of new content to dig into. Enjoy!
In Theaters Now:
(Solid horror satire)
Oscar Predictions and Thoughts - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/02/89th-academy- awards-predictions-and.html
My Life As A Zucchini - http://www. thecodeiszeek.com/2017/02/ brief-thoughts-red-turtle-and- my-life.html
(Now playing and up for an Oscar)
Oscar Nominated Shorts - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com /2017/02/thoughts-on-oscar-nom inated-animated.html
(A good collection of short films to seek out)
Here's The Archive Of Every Review Throughout The Year(s) - http://www.thecodeiszeek.com /p/review-archive.html
New On DVD/Blu-ray This Week:
Manchester By The Sea - http://whysoblu.com/ manchester-sea-blu-ray-review/
Nocturnal Animals - http://whysoblu.com/ nocturnal-animals-show- stylish-teeth-movie-review/
Moonlight - http://whysoblu.com/ moonlight-blu-ray-review/
A Cure For Wellness - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/02/out-now-274-cure- for-wellness.html
Speed Commentary - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/02/out-now- commentary-speed-1994.html
Interview with the Director of FARE - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/02/out-now-interview- thomas-torrey.html
Oscar Predictions - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2017/02/out-now-bonus- 89th-oscars-part-1.html
Other Articles Of Note:
Silence Coming To Blu-ray - http://whysoblu.com/martin- scorseses-silence-broken-blu- ray-march/
The Walking Dead, Preacher, The Americans - http://theyoungfolks.com/aut hor/aaronneuwirth
Everything In General:
My Official Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/the codeiszeek/
Screen Rant - http://screenrant.com/author /aarn/
Why So Blu? - http://whysoblu.com/author/a aron-neuwirth/
Have A Great Weekend!
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