Out Now Bonus: The Last Oscar Jedi

This week’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a big ramble of Star Wars and Oscars. Aaron is joined by Peter Paras and David Yeh for a bonus episode that discusses the 89 th Academy Award nominations and the title of Episode VIII, The Last Jedi . The guys spend a long time going over both topics, along with plenty of tangents. Among topics covered, we have a special edition round of Know Everybody ( 3:50 ), some Out Now Quickies™ ( 10:49 ), discussion of the Oscar Nominations ( 24:05 ), Star Wars talk ( 1:46:45 ), and Out Now Feedback ( 2:16:00 ). We then wrap things up ( 2:22:00 ) and have some bloopers ( 2:32:12 ), following this week’s close out song. So now, if you’ve got an hour or so to kill… You can also find links to the episode at AudioBoom . Subscribe via iTunes HERE