Weekly Recap: The Best Films of 2016, Paterson & More!

This was a big week as far as laying out my favorite films of 2016 . I put together five different lists to go through this whole process, which was a lot fun, but also a lot of hard work. Please enjoy all they I put down in that regard. Additionally, Paterson opens in limited release this week, along with A Monster Calls , so dig into those reviews. There are also some new home releases and a couple of great podcasts to check out. And that will do it for Weekly Recaps of 2016, so be sure to stop by again in the new year. Enjoy! In Theaters Now: Top Ten Films of 2016 - http://whysoblu.com/aarons- terrific-top-ten-films-2016/ Worst Films of 2016 - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2016/12/2016-year-end- recap-biggest.html Top 20-11 Films of the Year - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2016/12/2016-year-end- recap-top-20-through-11.html Top 30-21 Films of the Year - http://www.thecodeiszeek. com/2016/12/2016-year-end- recap-top-30-through-21.htm...