Out Now with Aaron and Abe Episode 234: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is a gladiator match between reviewers. The guys are joined by Scott Mendelson and Jay Cluitt to talk Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice . Lots of time is spent making sense of this latest superhero epic, with lots of fun countering the emotional turmoil Aaron seems to go through. Among topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody ( 5:20 ), some Out Now Quickies™ ( 6:57 ), Trailer Talk for The Lego Batman Movie ( 16:40 ), the main review ( 22:20 ), Out Now Feedback ( 1:15:33 ), and Games ( 1:38:24 ). We then wrap things up ( 1:44:27 ) and end it all with some bloopers ( 1:55:46 ), following this week’s close out song. So now, if you’ve got an hour or so to kill… You can also find links to the episode at AudioBoom . Subscribe via iTunes HERE