‘Guardians of the Galaxy’: Marvel’s New Hope (Movie Review)

Guardians of the Galaxy: 4 out of 5 Rocket: Ain’t no thing like me, except me! While the word is out on what the future holds for the films from Marvel Studios, they are currently in a place of comfort, as the films produced are consistently entertaining, despite fitting into familiar structures. Given that the films all have reasonable budgets and lots of talent both behind and in front of the camera, it is not too much of a surprise that audiences generally really enjoy these movies. Guardians of the Galaxy is both the wildest step yet for Marvel and the biggest risk since 2008’s Iron Man , as it is based on an obscure comic property and lacks huge name stars in the lead roles for audiences to be easily sold on the film. With that in mind, Guardians of the Galaxy will be a real test of the Marvel brand. It helps that the film is very good. It may only break some new ground, given the setting and style of the film, but even while f...