‘That Awkward Moment’…Indeed (Movie Review)

That Awkward Moment : 2 out of 5 Jason: If you’re single, we’re staying single with you! A few days ago I was discussing the HBO series Entourage with some friends and going over how it began as a fairly entertaining series, but eventually amounted to some conflict that could be extinguished with the simple mantra of, “Vince and the gang are going to be alright.” The show mainly relied on the easy-going dude chemistry between the guys (and Jeremy Piven), as they lived lives of luxury in Hollywood. While the setting and premise are very different, That Awkward Moment had me thinking of Entourage quite a bit. This dude-focused romantic comedy has fairly low stakes, features a group of people who are all fairly successful and especially well-dressed, and it never seems like there is much going on to threaten their existence. I am not saying the world needed to be crashing down around them, but it is a fairly standard comedy that ...