The Walking Dead: Season 3, Episode 14 - Prey
Thanks to the
encouragement of The Walking Dead TV
Podcast, I will be writing weekly episode recaps for this
season of The Walking Dead. Anyone continuing on should expect spoilers.
This week’s episode of The Walking Dead was solid in an
exciting sort of way, because I was actually engaged in the suspense occurring on
screen, while admiring the episode’s focus overall. This episode, “Prey”, was also able to have me
care about Andrea, which is impressive.
Of course, it had to resort to making me choose between her or a
psychopath, so the choice wasn’t that hard, but I still found myself rooting
for her, for a change, so that is commendable.
This really was an episode that managed to set the stage for the
upcoming finale and put characters in unique positions, given that I am intrigued
by where a lot of things are going, which is the kind of anticipation I want to
have for the show, rather than hope everyone just stops yelling at each other.
Let’s get the awkward
opening out of the way. Sure, it is a
cool image and some nice juxtaposition to go from Michonne’s chained walkers to
the Governor’s torture chamber, but giving us a glimpse into Michonne and
Andrea’s lives together, during the winter really does not amount to a whole
lot, especially in this episode. The
only thing this really showed us is that Michonne doesn’t open up very often
and is fine with punishing evil people – things we already know about this
character. We do not see Michonne for
the rest of the episode and there is not much to really connect this scene with,
so it really just feels like it was shot and needed to be placed somewhere in
the season.
Moving past this cold
open, things become much more focused.
The episode is entirely based around the Woodbury side of this season’s
story. The Governor’s men are packing up
all the weapons, preparing for their intended attack on Rick and his
people. Andrea, very obviously knows
something is up and Milton is pretty forthcoming with the information at this
point. This is actually a character
relationship that I enjoy. Milton and
Andrea are both very close with the Governor.
Milton knew him before this plague broke out, while Andrea has obviously
built an intimate relationship with Gov. Phil.
Regardless of inconsistencies revolving around these characters, “Prey”
is able to put these three into scenarios that make sense from a plot
standpoint, which is why I appreciate the focus on this episode.
For Andrea, things
really kick into gear once Milton tells her the Governor’s intentions with
Michonne. This is (finally) the last
straw for Andrea and she vows to kill him.
With that plan not being the most practical (and Milton preventing a key
opportunity), Andrea resorts to fleeing Woodbury with hopes to reach the
prison. Of course, she does so in a
pretty haphazard way, getting caught in a bad lie, threatening Tyrese with a
knife, and then exclaiming that Woodburry is a bad place, with little in the
way of specifics. Regardless, she’s on
the movie, leading to the most exciting part of the episode.
As I have said quite a
bit, I really enjoy the dialogue free segments of this show. Given that the show is always effective in
the action/thriller sequences, regardless of how well earned these scenarios
are, it made for exciting television, as I watched Andrea serve as “prey” for
the Governor. With Andrea running away
to an abandoned building and the Governor right on her tail, this was a very
tense scenario that was well executed.
Yes, this was very much in cliché slasher movie territory, given all the
noise being made, the surprise shocks, and even a “gotcha moment” once
everything seemed peaceful, but The
Walking Dead had a lot of fun playing up this horror movie-type scenario.
How about that
Governor? I expressed my concerns with
the character in last week’s recap specifically, but this week I was really fine
with what was required of him. Instead
of being this creepy guy that occasionally dips into darker territory, Gov.
Philip was in complete psycho mode this week and I really enjoyed it. He even dressed as a super villain while
doing it! By the time he entered the
building in complete crazy killer mode, I was really down with seeing what he
was capable of. He was effective in the
cat and mouse chase going on and his sinister whistling was the perfect mood
setter. This episode created a tension
that was really necessary, as I actually thought one of these characters could
have died this week and I would not have been opposed to that happening.
By the time we got to
the end of this part of the story, I was impressed how much I thought the
prison looked like a great place to be, compared to that abandoned building,
let alone in a room with the Governor.
That is talented direction, which I will give credit to. The only shot of the prison we see this
episode is of it being bathed in sunlight, with good ol’ boy Rick handling
watch duties. While not a complete
surprise, when the Governor did come up behind Andrea, it did make me fairly
sad that she couldn’t make it to that happy local and hangout with Lil’
Asskicker, Daryl, and of course Beth the singer. It also made me sadder to see Andrea locked
up in the Governor’s torture chamber, but we’ll get back to that next week.
The other side of this
story dealt with Tyrese, and dammit do I hope things work out so he and his
sister can be with Rick and have everything be all honky dory. Knowing what I know about the character and
how this show is depicting him, it is clear that Tyrese is a good man, his
sister too, and both deserve to be on the good side. This episode is a bit clunky in what it tries
to do, which is set up some drama between Tyrese and Allen, so the finale can
presumably wrap up these characters, but the effort is there. We get to see how Tyrese is very similar to
Rick in his actions and know which choices he should make, even when situations
are a bit muddled, as Tyrese wants to do right by everyone. This means not making enemies when his current
situation is pretty good, but still standing by his principles, such as not
wanting any part of feeding people to walkers.
A big ol’ walker pit is
an interesting sight. I would have liked
to see how this trap actually works, but regardless, a visit to this place
obviously shows us more of the evils that Woodbury is capable of, even if the
Governor claims this is just a scare tactic. The “mystery” of this location becomes who
burnt the thing down, although it is fairly obvious that Milton did it, but
even still, I would be both pleased and displeased if it was someone else’s
hand at work. I do like being surprised,
especially if it means that the show is not as predictable as it seems
sometimes, but a completely random person would not be the best thing for the
show either. Additionally, seeing a pile
of burnt walkers, some of which were still alive, was pretty damn disturbing.
So “Prey” leaves us in
a compelling place. Andrea is now
trapped in the torture chamber and Tyrese is of two minds as to how to get out
of his situation. The next rendezvous
between Rick and the Governor is sure to be a deadly one. And Milton is tired of looking over the bad
things happening in Woodbury. There only
two episodes left this season, which will most likely be larger in scope. For now though, I was quite pleased with this
episode’s focus and excitement, especially since it made Andrea less annoying
for a change.
4 out of 5 Busters
Kill of the Week: The
Governor had a shovel party all over one walker’s face, which seemed to be
pretty effective the first time, let alone the other five.
- Milton doesn’t know anyone at the prison. Andrea insists that its ok, because Merle was able to fit in. I guess that makes sense.
- Seriously, I did not need to see crispy walkers, that was a bit disturbing.
- Tyrese don’t shoot, he hammers.
- Andrea using that stairway full of walkers to her advantage was pretty cool.
- People saying, “We’ve got a good thing here,” is one of the most frequent phrases on this show.
- Some effective ‘horror movie music’ from Bear McCreary this week.
- Rick can probably chalk up being confused by what he saw with the fact that he “sees things”.

is a writer/reviewer for
Follow him on Twitter @AaronsPS3.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at
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