Out Now with Aaron and Abe: Bonus Episode – Audio Commentary For The Evil Dead

Join us for this special bonus episode of Out Now with Aaron. The guys are joined by guests Brandon Peters, Jim Dietz, and Jordan Grout for a commentary for The Evil Dead , the original horror cult classic from director Sam Raimi, starring Bruce “Don’t Call Me Ash” Campbell. The group tries to have as much fun as the crew didn’t have during the making of the film, as they deliver plenty of knowledge regarding the film, memories of their first time viewing the film, and of course plenty of inappropriate humor concerning what is out there, within the woods. Whether or not you play this recording with the movie in the background, just be sure to never read from the Book of the Dead! Important Note: This commentary features both juvenile uses of language and jokes that may be considered un-PC. We of course are just trying to have a fun time… So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…