Some Laughs And Unevenness Throughout This ‘Five-Year Engagement’

The Five-Year Engagement : 2 ½ out of 5 Suzie: This is supposed to be exciting. This is your wedding. You only get a few of these. Chemistry can certainly make up for a film that is way too relaxed. The Five-Year Engagement is a film that follows a pretty standard formula, despite the few tweaks and R-rated sensibilities, but ultimately never rises above average at best, given effort to shove so much into a film that runs far too long. It is fortunate that the film has a large, funny, and mostly likable cast. The leads, in particular, have a strong chemistry together, which makes the film work better than it could have been, were it to be handled differently. Still, the over-reliance on various tangents and lack of a stronger core makes the film uneven overall, despite being quite funny when it shines best. The fact that drama plays heavily into the film also reflects on the tonal issues I had, but there is still enough here ...