Those Wrathing, Clashing ‘Titans’ Are At It Again

Wrath of the Titans : 3 out of 5 Hades: You sweating like a human, brother. Next, it will be tears. I think there is a certain amount of humor in the fact that Wrath of the Titans is essentially a take-two on this movie series. Wrath was certainly felt in regards to the 2010 film (which was in no way helped by the 3D that was then used as the key example of bad usage of the format to compare other films to). Now we have the sequel to a film that doesn’t seem to have much high regard, yet made a huge box office splash during its release. For being a sequel, Wrath is certainly an improvement. It follows a lot of familiar sequel tropes, which involves being bigger and badder, yet retreading a lot of the same plot beats from the first film. Fortunately, the key element is that this film is more fun than the first, which is good, because I did enjoy the idea of remaking the original 1981 Clash of the Titans , but was disappointed with w...