‘In Time’ Features No Aging Or Good Dialogue

In Time : 2 out of 5 Henry Hamilton: If you had as much time as I had, what would you do with it? Will Salas: I sure as hell wouldn’t waste it. I cannot imagine it being at all simple to develop a story set around a future society, with a specific set of rules in place. For all the fun it must be to describe the ways characters must behave and dress and how the look of the world has changed, getting down to the logistics of whatever it is that is setting the plot within this future society must be a difficult process. Often times a fine B-movie emerges out of a simple sci-fi concept, simply because it was entertaining enough to have its obvious flaws be looked over ( Equilibrium comes to mind). With In Time , it seems like there is enough here to make a very entertaining feature; however, something seems to have gone very wrong in the scripting stage, as the dialogue is really bad and the various themes of the film are pretty heavy handed. It i...