Out Now with Aaron and Abe - Episode 14: Super 8

This week's episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe has the hosts discussing the new J.J. Abrams directed film, Super 8.  This is following the previous episode which broke traditional episode structure and served as more of a special episode all about The Tree of Life.  Now, the boys are back, and keeping with the recent style of having special guests featured in each new podcast episode, Aaron and Abe have also brought along fellow cinephile and self-proclaimed comic geek Alan Aguilera (twitter.com/mrdvd) to help review the film and participate in the fun and games that occur on a weekly basis.  In addition to the main review of Super 8, the standard episode segments are back as well, which includes some new trailer talk (Real Steel and The Adventures of Tin Tin), box office results and predictions, retro reviews, and games.  Additionally, stick around after the outro music if you want to hear a little more of our thoughts, which enter into some more spoiler-related details.  As always, you can find all of the episodes of Out Now at outnow.podomatic.com.  You can e-mail Aaron and Abe at outnow.aaronabe@gmail.com.  And you can feel free to "like" our Facebook page at facebook.com/outnowpodcast.


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