Out Now with Aaron and Abe Episode 12: The Hangover, Part II

Yep, Episode 12 of Out Now has arrived in speedy succession.  Since I can only assume that episode 11 was a massive hit in advance, it is being justly rewarded with another episode, given the busy nature of this past memorial day.  So The Hangover Part II is the subject of this latest episode and in it, Abe and I bring back our first guest and friend of the podcast, Jordan Grout to once again delve into the a film review and other activities with us.  As always, the regularly scheduled programming includes the review of the film, along with some trailer talk (The Change-Up and Crazy, Stupid, Love), box office results and predictions, a trio of retro reviews, and some fun and games.  Lots of fun and games are had in this episode that features Abe, Jordan, and myself, and hopefully the future will bring on some more episodes that involve an added participant.  As always, you can find all our episodes at outnow.podomatic.com (and we're working on finally getting the show into iTunes), you can "like" our Facebook page at facebook.com/outnowpodcast, and you can of course e-mail us at outnow.aaronabe@gmail.com, and provide us with feedback, comments, and maybe even some thoughts on having a special guest on the program.  So now, without any further ado, if you have an hour to kill...enjoy:

And find all other episodes at: http://hhwlod.com/out-now/blog


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