Transformers 3: Boom Boom Bay

Transformers: Dark of the Moon : 3 out of 5 Optimus Prime : Everything humans know of our planet we were told had been shared. You lied to us. Throughout time, as far as Autobots are concerned, it has always been important to fight for what is right. I think Michael Bay believes in what is right, I really do. His more is more approach has proven to be poison from a critical standpoint, but I truly believe that he enjoys being able to deliver satisfying action and mayhem to audiences around the globe. These Transformers films have certainly given him the opportunity to do things that have not been done before and it stands to reason that the fun element has been embraced by many. This latest entry is pure spectacle through and through. It delivers (especially in the final hour) a ridiculous amount of momentous special effects, all very shiny and presented in glorious 3D. The same flaws that effected the previous Transformer films are still ...