Out Now with Aaron and Abe – Episode 7: Fast Five

And here it is - lucky number seven.  That’s right, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, episode 7: FAST FIVE is ready to go.  This week, Abe and I discuss the merits of the Fast and Furious franchise and where the newest installment gets placed in our eyes.  Along with the review, as always, Abe and I fill out the rest of the show with some talk of trailers (specifically 30 Minutes or Less and Transformers: Boom Boom Bay), some fun and games, complete with a new game to play called “cast this”, and what is becoming my favorite segment – predictions and results about the box office for the film we have reviewed and next week’s guesses (Abe’s least favorite time).  Hopefully the audio quality is solid this time around and you will enjoy our use of intro and outro music.  Additionally, you can now e-mail us and shower us with hate mail at: outnowpodcast@gmail.com.  Now, as always, if you've got an hour to kill, enjoy the podcast:

Here's the episode:

Find all episodes of the podcast at http://hhwlod.com/out-now/blog


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