Out Now with Aaron and Abe – Episode 11: Kung Fu Panda 2

Following the landmark that was our tenth episode, Out Now returns with episode 11, Kung Fu Panda 2.  Abe and I bring in the big guns for this week's podcast, because not only do we have in store not one, but two podcasts coming out this week; but both this episode and the next episode (The Hangover Part II) will feature a guest.  That's right, in an effort to liven things up, Abe and I recruited a good friend, Jordan Grout, to help us with the show.  Quite the upgrade indeed, bringing a new dynamic to our fun and games.  Or course, along with a review of Kung Fu Panda 2, the regular schedule does occur, which includes some trailer discussion (The Muppets and Puss in Boots); a tease about the box office, as official results were not in yet at the time; a retro review that basically covers DreamWorks Animation, and some games, which includes a new version of one of our favorite games.  As always, you can find all our episodes at outnow.podomatic.com (and we're working on finally getting the show into iTunes), you can "like" our Facebook page at facebook.com/outnowpodcast, and you can of course e-mail us at outnow.aaronabe@gmail.com, and provide us with feedback, comments, and maybe even some thoughts on having a special guest on the program.  So now, without any further ado, if you have an hour to kill...enjoy:

And all other episodes at: http://hhwlod.com/out-now/blog


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