Out Now with Aaron and Abe – Episode 11: Kung Fu Panda 2

Following the landmark that was our tenth episode, Out Now returns with episode 11, Kung Fu Panda 2 . Abe and I bring in the big guns for this week's podcast, because not only do we have in store not one, but two podcasts coming out this week; but both this episode and the next episode (The Hangover Part II) will feature a guest. That's right, in an effort to liven things up, Abe and I recruited a good friend, Jordan Grout, to help us with the show. Quite the upgrade indeed, bringing a new dynamic to our fun and games. Or course, along with a review of Kung Fu Panda 2 , the regular schedule does occur, which includes some trailer discussion ( The Muppets and Puss in Boots ); a tease about the box office, as official results were not in yet at the time; a retro review that basically covers DreamWorks Animation, and some games, which includes a new version of one of our favorite games. As always, you can find all our episodes at outnow.podomatic.com (and w...