There Is Something ‘Insidious’ About The Poor Marketing For This Effectively Scary Film

Insidious : 4 out of 5 Renai: He’s not in a coma. They don’t know what to call it. I think perception plays a key role when one makes a decision about going to see a horror film. While I would not say I am a snob when it comes to horror films, I do consider myself pretty choosey about which ones I see, especially when it comes down to what the film is rated. In recent times, there have been a slew of films that have either been focused on extreme amounts of gore or copping out with cheap “jump scares” in order to secure a PG-13 rating. There are always some exceptions (Sam Raimi’s Drag Me to Hell immediately comes to mind), but for the most part it is the latter pattern that is followed, with studios churning out lame PG-13 horror flicks (usually remakes) that lack actual suspense and horror. Fortunately, the subject of this review, Insidious , managed to be one of those exceptions and functioned as an effectively scary piece of work.