Jackass 3D Shows You Things In 3D You Wouldn't Want To See, In A Good Way

Jackass 3D = 3 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars
Johnny Knoxville: Me and the boys are about to do a little duck huntin'.
I'll keep this one short, because I don't really want to spoil the highlights of this film. Obviously, if you've been a fan of Jackass in the past, then you should feel welcome to check out this crew's latest collection of stunts and pranks. And you have the added bonus of the film being in 3D.

The two main things to keep in mind are this: 1. The film was made with these guys remaining sober while on camera for the sake of Steve-O who has come out of rehab and has maintained his sobriety. 2. While some of the film was converted into 3D, a number of sequences were in fact shot with some state-of-the art 3D cameras (seriously, they modified the phantom camera, which shoots 1000 frames a second, to be able to produce 3D images, leading to some pretty fantastic (and hilarious) uses of the format).

I have heard some say that they feel these guys are starting to let their age show, and they don't seem to be challenging each other as much as they once were. I'm not sure I agree with that. Sure these boys are older, but the joy that I have from watching these guys remains the same; regardless of how disgusting or stupid some of these acts may seem, I am always laughing and satisfied due to the fact that these guys are just generally trying to entertain each other, and the glee that stems from that is intoxicating and exciting to behold.

That being said, this film is still packed with plenty of silly stunts that will disgust you, scare you, and then satisfy you whether it be do to someone taking a heavy blow to the face or balls, or because it's a great prank pulled off successfully or with unexpected but hilarious results. Again, I don't want to spoil this movie's best moments, but suffice it to say that this film delivers hilarity and also manages to show you things you would never want to see in 3D, and I mean that in a good way.

[The boy are clinging to the top of a tall tree being cut down]
"Do you ever get scared during the moments like these."
Johnny Knoxville: ...yeah.


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