How About That Trailer? - Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Despite a lapse in quality in more recent years, I'm still one to get excited for new Tim Burton films. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children does not exactly look like a new Burton classic, but I am intrigued. Based on what we are shown in this initial trailer, it is easy to make comparisons to X-Men and any YA adventure adaptation, but now we get to see how Burton would handle that kind of story. It doesn't hurt that the original novel has been adapted for the screen by Jane Goldman (X-Men: First Class, Stardust).

My biggest hope is that Burton creates a new standout world. Something I've been missing for a while in Burton films is seeing worlds that really come alive. Rather that slumming it with forgettable films like Alice in Wonderland (which has a sequel coming this year that I am surprisingly intrigued about), I would like to hope Burton is putting more emotion behind this film's world, which presents gifted youths with abilities, existing in a land suited for them.

The cast looks quite strong, even if we only see a fraction of them in the trailer. In addition to Eva Green and Asa Butterfield, the film also stars Allison Janney, Terrence Stamp, Rupert Everett, Judi Dench and Samuel L. Jackson. We briefly see Jackson at the very end, as the scary black man (with platinum hair and pupils), who has come to apparently wreck havoc on the school full of young white children. I'm trying not to read too much into that, but it's also hard to overlook.

But enough of that, how about noting that this will be one of the very few Burton films not to be scored by Danny Elfman. Times really are a changin'.

Regardless, Burton doesn't so much have a lot to prove as he is more inclined to make a film that is liked well enough, ideally keeping him from really sinking low and directing Beetlejuice 2 or some other sequel fans supposedly want (you don't, you really really don't). If things do work out, it could mean Burton either backs a follow-up to this film, which I am sure exists or moves on to something he is clearly passionate about.

All that in mind, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children arrives in theaters on September 30, 2016.


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