Step Onto ‘Snowpiercer’ And Hold On Tight (Movie Review)

Curtis: We take the engine, we control the world.
I enjoy science fiction
stories quite a bit. Whether it ranges
from plausible ideas regarding the future of our current society or to things a
bit more abstract, I love the creativity on display. This especially goes for sci-fi films, which
allow a large number of filmmakers, actors, production designers, etc., to
develop worlds, stories, characters, and concepts, in an effort to put
something truly audacious into the theater for people to enjoy. Sometimes that works out quite well,
sometimes it is okay, and other times it can be forgettable. Snowpiercer
is the kind of film that sits near the top of the pile. It combines skilled filmmaking, big ideas,
and some fine, warp-minded writing to create a feature fully prepared to be
entertaining, strange, darkly humorous, and plenty of other things that all
make it rather brilliant.
Director Bong Joon-Ho
is a filmmaker I have been enjoying for quite a while now. From the crime thriller Memories of Murder, to his satirical monster movie, The Host, and into his previous feature,
the unconventional mystery/thriller, Mother,
this is a filmmaker who has consistently built a grimy mood around his films,
but has avoided being stuck in one particular genre. Now he moves from Korean-focused features and
into a much broader realm, with an international cast of actors, for this
bigger-budgeted sci-fi tale about society wrapped up in one long train, known
as the “Rattling Ark.” The concept is
very much ‘out there’, but Snowpiercer
is less concerned with making literal sense and fits more in line with 70s
sci-fi; where the cast, production, and plotting do enough work to have one
look past a great handle on real life logic and more on what the viewer is
watching in front of them, let alone the allegories bubbling just under the
The film features Chris
Evans as Curtis, one of the many passengers on a train that travels across the
world and never stops. With the world
having ended via some kind of “Cat’s Cradle” Ice-Nine situation, which has left
earth frozen all over, the only remaining members of the human race are aboard
this train, which is divided into sections.
The upper-class live privileged lives in the cars towards the front end of the train, while the lower-class citizens live much drearier lives in the
tail section. With awful memories of
what it is to live this life, Curtis and a few others, including a much older passenger,
Gilliam (John Hurt), have devised a plan to defy the system by taking control
of the train at its head; they’ll just have to move up car by car in order to
see this plan through.
There are only a number
of directors that I could think of offhand that would be able to not only make
this film work as far as its story goes, but really sell the look and feel of
this world that we see, as more and more of the train society is revealed. What makes Bong Joon-Ho such an ideal choice
for director and co-writer, is that the film is able to keep a lot of the weirdness
intact, which tends to come from non-American filmmaking sensibilities. Adapted from a French graphic novel, Snowpiercer certainly follows a path
that makes the story easy enough to comprehend, but it has many twisted ideas
as far as how to deliver on a lot of them, let only find ways to convey its commentary
on society, while still working as a tense action movie.
Oh yeah, by the way,
this is a crazy action movie. It has all
the right work done to establish a world, characters, and more, but even while
fitting into the realm of science fiction, Bong Joon-Ho has put together a
pretty incredible action movie, focused on the motivation of one man to
overthrow the elitist class system at play.
Setup, plot, and characters aside, Snowpiercer
features some pretty fantastic action set-pieces, which plays on the confined
corridors of train cars, the approach to lighting these train cars, a mix of
deadly and improvised weaponry, and the wonderful talents of many
choreographers and cinematographer Hong Kyung-pyo. Adding the consistently solid score by Marco
Beltrami only enhances the technical accomplishment that is on display, though
the film is not limited to being just a very good-looking one, as the actors
are certainly very game as well.
Chris Evans is
absolutely terrific here. His Curtis may
be buried in angst and a desire to shed the blood of those forcing him and
others to live in such squalor, but Evans brings a level of spark to a role
that has him work incredibly well in this fairly standard conception of an
action hero, who is given some twisted backstory reveals, as the film carries
on. Song Kang-ho, a truly fantastic
actor from Korea, adds great energy as well, along with his co-star from The Host, Go Ah-sung. The two play father and daughter, with the
father seemingly trading his knowledge of a certain aspect regarding the train’s
security systems, in exchange for drugs.
Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, and Ewen Bremner get to mix it up as fellow
lower-class passengers as well, while Tilda Swinton emerges as a true show
stealer, Mason, the Minister that dictates the rules of the road…or tracks, I
guess. While the train is controlled by
a figure known as Wilford, Mason tries to enforce order in person and Swinton
puts all she can into it, by providing a wonderfully weird, villainous
performance. I could go on in describing
this cast of characters, but I want to stop, only because Alison Pill also pops
up as a teacher that has to be seen to be believed.
is a hell of a ride. The film is this
big, bold piece of science fiction brought to life by a talented director and a
cast and crew who were all doing their best to make a film like this work. They succeeded to the point of making me
question what is in this film that I was not fond of and I could not think of
anything. Between the excitement of the
action on display and the nature of the metaphors at work, this is a film that
works on many levels and one that I can easily see myself appreciating even
more on repeated viewings. Many sci-fi
films come and go, Snowpiercer feels
like one I will not soon forget.
Mason: Know your place. Accept your place. Be a shoe.
is a writer/reviewer for
Follow him on Twitter @AaronsPS4.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at
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