Out Now with Aaron and Abe: Bonus Episode – Audio Commentary For G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra

So now it is time for another commentary.  This Out Now with Aaron and Abe episode is another bonus commentary track.  This time Aaron and Abe are joined by Scott Mendelson, Jordan Grout, and Jim Dietz for a knowledge-filled commentary on the film G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.  It is knowledge-filled, of course, because knowing is half the battle!  There is also plenty of time to let the guys cut loose on their thoughts on the film and discuss how important the Baroness’s sunglasses really were, let alone Joseph Gordan Levitt’s presence in this film, in general.  So tune in for some commentary fun and pork chop sandwiches!

Important Note:  This commentary features both juvenile uses of language and jokes that may be considered un-PC.  We of course are just trying to have a fun time…

So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…
You can also find links to the episode at HHWLOD HERE or at Podomatic HERE Subscribe via iTunes HERE

Of course, in addition to this episode, there are many more episodes to be found on iTunes, as well as on the hosted site, The HHWLOD Podcast Network, and still at outnow.podomatic.com for mainly the newest episodes and some exclusives.  One can also learn more at the official Facebook page for Out Now, facebook.com/outnowpodcast (“like” it), which features updates from Aaron and Abe’s personal blogs, other random posts, and some photo albums.  Finally, feel free to e-mail the show at outnowpodcast@gmail.com with any sort of feedback or add an iTunes rating/review.  
Show Notes:


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