‘Dredd’ Is The Law, And He Brings Proper Judgment
3D: 4
out of 5
Judge Dredd: Negotiation’s over. Sentence is death.
For a movie that is about brutal violence and maintaining a dark and nihilistic tone throughout, Dredd sure was a pretty film. This second attempt on a theatrical feature about the futuristic cop who serves as judge, jury, and executioner is an exercise in grit and violence, with just a hint of self-satire to keep the whole thing quite entertaining throughout, but its best asset is the visual aesthetic, which makes the ugly world that we find these characters in look quite striking. This seems especially notable, given that the film utilizes simplicity in its structure to keep from feeling to empty overall, but as a fairly non-complex action picture, it has plenty of time to look and feel like a well-made, stripped down genre flick, with plenty of thrills and gunplay to keep up the excitement. For what Dredd has attempted to do, it does it well enough to satisfy the law that Dredd swears by.

Based on the 2000 AD comic strip, Judge Dredd, this film takes place in a dystopian future society that is plagued by overpopulation and corruption. Law enforcement officers known as ‘Judges’ are tasked with keeping the peace by any means necessary, which allows them the power of judge, jury and executioner. One particular Judge, Dredd (Karl Urban), occupies the metropolis known as Mega-City One and upholds the law above everything.
The film
is basically a day in the life for Dredd, as he is tasked with testing out a
rookie Judge, Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), who is young and seemingly under
qualified, yet possess psychic powers, which could give her an edge on the
streets. After arriving at a murder scene inside of a 200-story slum,
Dredd and Anderson quickly find themselves at odds with the building’s resident
drug lord and gang leader, Ma-Ma (Lena Headey). The Judges have arrested
one of Ma-Ma’s henchmen, Kay (Wood Harris), which has forced Ma-Ma to lock down
the entire building and alert everyone inside that she wants the Judges dead,
in order to keep them from getting Kay back to headquarters and interrogating
him. Dredd and Anderson are now forced to stop all who oppose them and
hopefully make it to the 200th floor, where they can then stop Ma-Ma
for good and provide justice for all, of course.
There are
several things that I enjoyed about this movie, which kept it from becoming a
little overdone, given that it essentially plays out like a video game. I
was really into the ‘one long day’ approach, rather than an attempt at something
more grand scale, like the 1995 adaptation starring Sylvester Stallone. Dredd
plays out like a one-shot cop adventure story, with plenty of bloody
violence. I also really liked the attempt at characterization.
Dredd is what he needs to be, without going through sudden character changes
over the course of one day. At the same time, Anderson is a rookie
getting a taste of what will be required of her. I guess it is really the
simplicity that pleased me, but the film has plenty of fun with its other concerns
as well.
A large
element of this film surrounds the use of an addictive drug called ‘Slo-Mo’,
which slows the user’s perception of time down to 1% of normal. This
leads to wonderfully filmed sequences that must have been shot with the Phantom
camera, as it contains super slow-motion depictions of action, matched with a
great use of vibrant colors in a world so dark and grimy. I started out
by mentioning how pretty this film is and I really meant it. Academy
Award-winning cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle has shot a gorgeous film in
regards to depicting a wasteland environment that is filled with violence and
criminal activities. Along with these ‘slo-mo’ scenes, the widescreen
presentation is quite fitting in opening up this world just enough to fill the
frame with detail and deliver proper cinematic justice, which is required by
Dredd. I should also note that Dredd has been shot in 3D, which is
well utilized, as it does a good job of straddling the line between
over-the-top 3D and adding a good sense of depth.
As Dredd,
Karl Urban excels at being an intimidating force who can convincingly act as
one is willing to distribute the law as he sees fit, day after day. True
to the comic, we never see Dredd’s face, under his helmet, and the part we do
see is permanently set to an uncomforting frown. Urban fills the boots
well as a stoic action lead who does not so much crack wise as he delivers
deadpan moments of humor (all based on his unwavering regard for the law) in an
otherwise somber film. As Anderson, Thirlby is quite fitting to provide
the minimal amount of emotion we need for this film. We get just enough
backstory and Thrilby acquits herself well, given her small stature, to fit in
this world as a judge. I wish there was a bit more to get out of Headey
as Ma-Ma, but she infuses enough punk-rock comic book zest in her performance,
that the villain-of-the-day approach is menacing enough.
I would
like to think that director Pete Travis is as much a fan of the comic as I know
screenwriter/producer Alex Garland is, as the two, along with the rest of the
production team involved, really seemed to deliver a film that is true to its
roots. Dredd delivers at basically being The Raid: Redemption
set in a world akin to Blade Runner, and this is a good thing. It
may not to match up to either, but it is prettier than The Raid (bigger
budget) and less cerebral than Blade Runner (It’s about a dude in a
helmet shooting people), which sets it apart as a fun little action picture,
with some great comic book elements to work with. I would also be remiss
if I were to not mention the sweet industrial score by Paul Leonard-Morgan.
The action
is certainly up to par. I have already praised the visuals, but the
production design and use of practical sets works very well to Dredd’s
advantage. Shot in South Africa, the world-building in Dredd is
just enough to get across the idea of this dirty future we inhabit. The
action we see if stylish and very R-rated. Dredd’s weapon of choice is
the ‘Lawmaker’, which has voice-controlled ammunition options and provides
Dredd with plenty of ways to dispatch his foes, when he’s not just using brute
strength to do so. The film is quite brutal and one can do what they want
with how they want to take the dour nature of the film in general, but I think
there is enough of a solid comic vibe that had me looking past these things.
I could
get into things that maybe hamper the film’s quality a bit. While I do
enjoy simplicity in a film like this, one could just boil the film down to Dredd
going floor by floor and blasting away an assortment of different foes, just as
a player of a standard video game shooter proceeds up through higher and higher
levels, with harder and harder enemies to face. The use of a psychic
character also opens up various inconsistencies, if one thinks too hard about
it, regardless of how much the film decides to explain regarding Anderson’s
abilities. And there is the case of one foe Dredd faces, who decides to
start ‘monologuing’ in the most convenient way possible. All that said,
these are minor quibbles for a film with little on its mind other than
delivering a fun, excessively violent, experience. It may seem
repetitive, but the film felt paced well enough and clocked in at 90 minutes,
which I was fine with.
3D makes Stallone’s Judge Dredd
look like the Batman and Robin equivalent in a series that features
another entry that is much different and darker in tone. This superior
redo of bringing the Judge Dredd character to screen is pretty much what I would
want out of it, given the limited scope of the film as a whole. Urban and
Thirlby were solid, the film had a great look that I appreciated, and the
action delivered. Dredd was not a film I was eager to see in its
beginning phases, but it turned into a solid genre exercise. I have made
my judgment and a day in the life of Dredd proved to be a violent and stylishly
good time.
Judge Dredd: In case you have forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city. Ma-Ma is not the law… I am the law.
Aaron is a writer/reviewer
for WhySoBlu.com.
Follow him on Twitter @AaronsPS3.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at HHWLOD.com.
He also co-hosts a podcast, Out Now with Aaron and Abe, available via iTunes or at HHWLOD.com.
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