Out Now with Aaron and Abe: Episode 26 – Contagion
This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe brings our two hosts and two guests (Adam Gentry and Mark Hobin) together as they prepare for a global pandemic. Steven Soderbergh’s new film Contagion is the main topic of discussion and the gang is suited in their hazmat gear and ready to tackle this new take on the global disease drama/thriller. Of course none of this is as dire as it sounds, it’s simply a lengthy discussion about the film, bookended by all the regular segments, including “know everybody”, trailer talk (Haywire and The Ides of March), box office results and predictions, retro reviews, and of course game time.
Of course, in addition to this episode, there are many more episodes to be found on iTunes, as well as on the hosted site, The HHWLOD Podcast Network, and still at outnow.podomatic.com for mainly the newest episodes and some exclusives. One can also learn more at the official Facebook page for Out Now, facebook.com/outnowpodcast (“like” it), which features updates from Aaron and Abe’s personal blogs, other random posts, and some photo albums. Finally, feel free to e-mail the show at outnowpodcast@gmail.com with any sort of feedback or add an iTunes rating/review.
So now, if you’ve got an hour to kill…
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Show Notes
- Facebook page contest is still going (and we’re getting very close!). At 100 “Likes” there will be prizes given away to three randomly chosen fans.
- Follow all of us on Twitter: @AaronsPs3, @WalrusMoose, @ilTwinAnarchist, @Mark_Hobin
- Check out all of our Blogs: thecodeiszeek.com, walrusmoose.blogspot.com, everythingyoualwayswantedtoknow.blogspot.com, fastfilmreviews.wordpress.com
- Here is Mark and Aaron’s written reviews for Contagion – HERE and HERE
- Here is the Wiki page for the Hyperlink Cinema genre.
- Check out trailers for Haywire and The Ides of March
- Next week: Drive (I would honestly wait until after you see the movie to watch this trailer)

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