Out Now with Aaron and Abe – Episode 8: THOR

And here we are again.  Out Now with Aaron and Abe, episode 8 - Thor.  In this episode, Abe and I discuss the Mighty Thor's debut blockbuster film - Thor (click for the written review).  Of course, before getting to Thor, Abe and I bring out our regular discussion of some select movie trailers (Cowboys & Aliens and The Green Lantern).  That is then followed by a quite lengthy discussion of Thor.  As always we then delve into some fun and games, as Abe and I have some fun explaining and predicting box office totals, as well as have more fun with the William Fitchner Game and another round of "Cast This".  I had a lot of fun with Abe during this episode, so despite our skills at this still developing and the audio quality being merely okay, I am grateful for whoever it is that keeps coming back for more.  Additionally, you can e-mail us and shower us with hate mail or actual comments that we would love to hear at: outnowpodcast@gmail.com

Two special things to take note of:

- Following the outro music of the podcast, listen a little more if you want to hear some bonus, slightly spoilery, Thor talk.
- Also, and this is big, this podcast comes with a contest, which I realized should occur after the fact.

The Contest:  Count the number of times either Abe or myself say the phrase "FROST GIANTS".  Send that number, along with a name and home town, to our email - outnowpodcast@gmail.com with the subject line that says FROST GIANTS CONTEST.  The person who's e-mail arrives first, will personally receive a DVD of my choosing (probably related to this episode) in the mail, after I work out those details.

Now, as always, if you've got an hour to kill, enjoy the podcast:

Find all episodes of the podcast at http://hhwlod.com/out-now/blog


  1. One thing I'd like to throw at there, upon initial listening, is that I dabble in Audio Editing (I did take a class).

    Let me know if you are interested in giving my skills a test run; maybe smooth out the quality a bit.

  2. As in you can take the mp3 of a recorded phone call and make it sound better? Because there already is quite a bit of editing going on.

  3. That was the implication, yes.

    If you are interested, feel free to email a sound file to play with.

    If you still have any raw recordings, unedited, that would also be preferable.

    Feel free to leave any notes that may help with my process as well (i.e., let me know where the file has been edited, if anywhere).


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