Out Now with Aaron and Abe - Podcast Ep. 3: Source Code

Hey all, we know have a name for our podcast - it is OUT NOW with AARON AND ABE.  This week, Abe and I discuss Source Code, the new film starring Jake Gyllenhall and directed by Duncan Jones.  Before that, however, we get into a discussion about a couple trailers taking place beforehand.  Following the review of the film, we then have a little fun with a new game, followed by some talk about previous films related to Source Code.  Finally, we discuss plans for next week and then get into some spoiler territory, as we discuss what we thought about the ending of Source Code (which you will be warned to not listen to until after having seen the film).  There are still some kinks to work out in all of this process (including actually making the mp3 downloadable), but we're doing our best to be entertaining enough. So if you have an hour to kill, enjoy:


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