Out Now with Aaron and Abe - Ep. 4: Hanna

The podcast is coming on strong. We grow stronger with each episode, and this one is no different.  For episode 4, Abe and I discuss the new Chase/Thriller Hanna, starring Saoirse Ronan, Eric Bana, and Cate Blanchett.  Discussion of a few new trailers as always, followed by the main review of the film, and then more fun to be had afterward.  Again, if anyone has an hour to kill, spend some time listening to this new episode and rejoice in the fact that you can now download it and listen at your convenience, thanks to podomatic.com.  While we are still working out a few more kinks to make it a more pleasurable listening experience, we still hope everyone enjoys what we have to offer.  And feel free to leave a comment about the show if you'd like.
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